Royalty cakes by Adé(👑)rónkẹ̀
Royalty cakes by Adé(👑)rónkẹ̀
It’s this simple - invest into your cake business with these detailed tutorials, learn, practice, practice, practice, and see yourself grow!
These tutorials are 101s, meaning I explain things right from the basics so whether you have no, little or a lot of experience, you’ll still be able to learn. There’s really something for everyone here! With practice, these videos should be able to help you improve your baking and decorating skills by God’s grace. Emphasis on the practice because your skill will not improve by only just passively watching these tutorials, you’d need to put the information learnt to practice and as time goes on, you will see improvement.
I will be releasing different tutorials over the next few days/weeks, so if you can’t see a tutorial on what you’d like to learn, it will most likely be added soon, so keep an eye out!
I would also appreciate if you give feedback after you’ve purchased a tutorial so potential buyers can know how the tutorial has helped you.
Happy learning!